If you’re planning a trip to Vietnam, make sure to include Hue in your itinerary. This charming city, located on the banks of the Perfume River, is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. And what better way to explore this city than by taking a cyclo tour? A cyclo is a three-wheeled bicycle taxi that allows you to leisurely discover the sights and sounds of Hue while soaking in the local atmosphere. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the best cyclo tours in Hue and show you how to make the most of your experience.

Unveiling the City’s Enchanting Sights by Cyclo

Hue is a city steeped in history, and a cyclo tour is the perfect way to discover its enchanting sights. The city was once the capital of Vietnam and is home to the Imperial Citadel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As you ride through the streets of Hue on a cyclo, you’ll be transported back in time as you pass by ancient temples, pagodas, and palaces.

The Old Quarter: A Cyclo Ride Through History

The Old Quarter of Hue is a must-visit for anyone interested in Vietnamese history and culture. This area is home to some of the city’s oldest buildings, including the Thien Mu Pagoda, which dates back to the 17th century. A cyclo tour through the Old Quarter will take you past traditional houses, bustling markets, and narrow alleyways, giving you a glimpse into the daily lives of the locals.

Must-See Sights in Hue’s Old Quarter:

Sight Description
Thien Mu Pagoda One of the oldest and most iconic pagodas in Hue, with a seven-tiered tower and beautiful gardens
Dong Ba Market The largest market in Hue, where you can find everything from fresh produce to souvenirs
Truong Tien Bridge A historic bridge that spans the Perfume River and offers stunning views of the city

The Perfume River: A Scenic Cyclo Ride

The Perfume River is a central feature of Hue and plays an important role in the city’s history. Taking a cyclo ride along the river is a peaceful and scenic way to explore Hue. You’ll pass by traditional villages, lush greenery, and iconic landmarks such as the Trang Tien Bridge and the Imperial Citadel.

Top Landmarks Along the Perfume River:

  1. Trang Tien Bridge
  2. Thien Mu Pagoda
  3. Hon Chen Temple
  4. Phu Mong Garden House
  5. Imperial Citadel

Delving into Hue’s Past on a Cyclo Adventure

Hue is known for its rich history, and there’s no better way to delve into it than on a cyclo adventure. From ancient tombs to royal palaces, a cyclo tour will take you through some of the most significant historical sites in Hue.

The Imperial Citadel: A Cyclo Journey Through Royalty

The Imperial Citadel is the crown jewel of Hue and a must-visit for anyone interested in Vietnamese history. This sprawling complex was once the seat of the Nguyen Dynasty, and today it stands as a testament to the city’s past glory. A cyclo journey through the citadel will take you past ornate gates, grand palaces, and beautiful gardens.

As you enter the Imperial Citadel, you’ll be greeted by the Ngo Mon Gate, the main entrance to the complex. From here, you can take a leisurely cyclo ride through the various sections of the citadel, including the Forbidden Purple City, the Royal Theater, and the Royal Library. Make sure to stop at the Thai Hoa Palace, where the emperors held important ceremonies and receptions.

Ancient Tombs: A Cyclo Tour Through Tranquility

Hue is home to several ancient tombs of former emperors, each with its own unique architectural style and history. Taking a cyclo tour to these tombs is a peaceful and serene experience, as you ride through lush gardens and past tranquil lakes.

The most popular tombs in Hue are the Tomb of Minh Mang, the Tomb of Tu Duc, and the Tomb of Khai Dinh. Each tomb has its own distinct features, such as intricate carvings, beautiful gardens, and stunning views. The Tomb of Minh Mang is known for its harmonious blend of nature and architecture, while the Tomb of Tu Duc is famous for its poetic inscriptions. The Tomb of Khai Dinh, on the other hand, is a fusion of Western and Eastern architectural styles.

Discover Hue’s Scenic Waterways and Villages by Cyclo

One of the best ways to experience the local way of life in Hue is by taking a cyclo tour through its scenic waterways and villages. This will give you a glimpse into the daily lives of the locals and allow you to appreciate the natural beauty of the city.

Thuy Bieu Village: A Cyclo Ride Through Rural Charm

Thuy Bieu Village is a hidden gem in Hue, located just a short distance from the city center. This quaint village is known for its peaceful atmosphere, lush orchards, and traditional houses. Taking a cyclo ride through Thuy Bieu Village is like stepping back in time, as you pass by farmers tending to their crops and villagers going about their daily routines.

A cyclo tour through Thuy Bieu Village will take you past the village’s main attractions, such as the Thanh Tra Pomelo Garden, where you can taste the famous local fruit, and the Thien Mu Pagoda, which offers stunning views of the Perfume River. You can also stop at a local family’s house to learn how to make traditional Vietnamese dishes and enjoy a home-cooked meal.

Perfume River Cruise: A Cyclo Adventure on Water

For a unique experience, consider taking a cyclo tour that includes a cruise along the Perfume River. This will allow you to see Hue from a different perspective and admire its scenic beauty from the water. You can choose to take a short cruise or a longer one that includes stops at various landmarks along the river.

Highlights of a Perfume River Cruise by Cyclo:

Stop Description
Hon Chen Temple A sacred temple dedicated to the goddess Thien Y A Na
Dong Ba Market The perfect place to shop for souvenirs and try local street food
Thien Mu Pagoda A must-visit landmark in Hue, with stunning views of the Perfume River

Savoring Hue’s Culinary Treasures during a Cyclo Tour

No trip to Vietnam is complete without indulging in its delicious cuisine, and Hue is no exception. Taking a cyclo tour is not only a great way to explore the city but also an opportunity to sample some of its culinary treasures.

Street Food Tour: A Cyclo Ride for Foodies

Hue is known for its vibrant street food scene, and a cyclo tour is the perfect way to discover it. Your cyclo driver will take you to the best street food spots in the city, where you can try local specialties such as banh khoai (pancake), bun bo Hue (beef noodle soup), and banh beo (steamed rice cakes).

Must-Try Street Food in Hue:

  1. Banh Khoai
  2. Bun Bo Hue
  3. Banh Beo
  4. Banh Loc (tapioca dumplings)
  5. Nem Lui (grilled pork skewers)

Royal Cuisine Tour: A Cyclo Journey Fit for a King

Hue was once the capital of Vietnam, and its cuisine reflects the royal influence. Taking a cyclo tour that includes a visit to a local family’s house is a great way to experience the city’s royal cuisine. You’ll get to taste dishes that were once served to the emperors, such as bun bo gio heo (beef and pork noodle soup) and banh nam (steamed flat rice cakes).

During your cyclo tour, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the history and significance of each dish from the family members themselves. You can also try your hand at making some of the dishes, under their guidance. This is a unique and immersive way to experience the culture and cuisine of Hue.

A Cyclo Journey to Hue’s Imperial Citadel

The Imperial Citadel is the most iconic landmark in Hue and a must-visit for anyone interested in Vietnamese history and culture. Taking a cyclo tour to the citadel is not only a convenient way to explore it but also an opportunity to learn more about its significance.

History of the Imperial Citadel: A Cyclo Ride Through Time

The Imperial Citadel was built in the early 19th century by Emperor Gia Long, the first emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty. It served as the seat of power for the emperors until the end of the dynasty in 1945. Today, the citadel stands as a testament to the city’s past glory and is a popular tourist attraction.

A cyclo tour to the Imperial Citadel will take you through its various sections, including the Forbidden Purple City, the Royal Theater, and the Royal Library. You can also visit the Hue Royal Antiquities Museum, which houses a collection of artifacts from the Nguyen Dynasty. Make sure to stop at the Thai Hoa Palace, where the emperors held important ceremonies and receptions.

The Changing of the Guard Ceremony: A Cyclo Tour Highlight

One of the highlights of visiting the Imperial Citadel is witnessing the Changing of the Guard ceremony. This takes place every day at 8 am and 2 pm, and it’s a fascinating display of military precision and traditional music. Taking a cyclo tour to the citadel during these times will allow you to witness this unique ceremony.

Exploring Hue’s Ancient Tombs and Temples by Cyclo

Hue is home to several ancient tombs and temples, each with its own unique history and architectural style. Taking a cyclo tour to these sites is not only a great way to explore them but also an opportunity to learn more about Vietnamese culture and traditions.

Tomb of Minh Mang: A Cyclo Ride Through Nature and Architecture

The Tomb of Minh Mang is one of the most popular tombs in Hue, known for its harmonious blend of nature and architecture. Taking a cyclo tour to this tomb is a peaceful and scenic experience, as you ride through lush gardens and past tranquil lakes.

Highlights of the Tomb of Minh Mang:

Feature Description
Stele Pavilion A beautiful structure that houses the stele (stone tablet) inscribed with the emperor’s biography
Hoang Trach Gate The main entrance to the tomb, adorned with intricate carvings
Sung An Temple A place of worship for the emperor and his family

Thien Mu Pagoda: A Cyclo Ride to Enlightenment

The Thien Mu Pagoda is one of the oldest and most iconic pagodas in Hue, with a seven-tiered tower and beautiful gardens. Taking a cyclo tour to this pagoda is not only a great way to explore its architecture but also an opportunity to learn about Buddhism in Vietnam.

As you ride through the streets of Hue on a cyclo, you’ll see the Thien Mu Pagoda from a distance, with its towering seven-tiered tower. The pagoda is home to several shrines and statues, including a giant bronze bell and a statue of the Goddess of Mercy. You can also visit the nearby monastery, where monks live and study.

Admiring Hue’s Cultural Heritage on a Cyclo Excursion

Hue is known for its rich cultural heritage, and a cyclo excursion is the perfect way to admire it. From traditional villages to ancient temples, a cyclo tour will take you through some of the most significant cultural sites in Hue.

Dong Ba Market: A Cyclo Ride Through Local Culture

Dong Ba Market is the largest market in Hue and a bustling hub of activity. Taking a cyclo ride through this market is a great way to experience the local culture and get a taste of daily life in Hue. You can find everything from fresh produce to souvenirs here, and bargaining is a must.

Must-Try Foods at Dong Ba Market:

  1. Banh Khoai
  2. Bun Bo Hue
  3. Banh Beo
  4. Nem Lui
  5. Com Hen (clam rice)

Traditional Villages: A Cyclo Tour Through Time

Hue is home to several traditional villages, where you can see traditional crafts and customs still being practiced. Taking a cyclo tour to these villages is like stepping back in time, as you witness the local way of life and learn about their traditions.

Some of the most popular traditional villages in Hue include Thanh Tien Village, known for its paper flower making, and Phuoc Tich Village, known for its pottery. A cyclo tour will take you through these villages, where you can see the artisans at work and even try your hand at making some traditional crafts.

Beyond the City Walls: Venturing into Hue’s Environs by Cyclo

Hue is not just limited to the city center; it also has beautiful surroundings that are worth exploring. Taking a cyclo tour to these areas will allow you to see a different side of Hue and appreciate its natural beauty.

Tam Giang Lagoon: A Cyclo Ride to Tranquility

Tam Giang Lagoon is the largest lagoon in Southeast Asia and a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Taking a cyclo ride to this lagoon will allow you to admire its scenic beauty and observe the daily lives of the locals who live along its banks.

Activities to Do at Tam Giang Lagoon:

  1. Take a boat ride on the lagoon
  2. Visit a local fishing village
  3. Try fishing with the locals
  4. Enjoy a seafood lunch at a floating restaurant
  5. Watch the sunset over the lagoon

Bach Ma National Park: A Cyclo Adventure in Nature

Bach Ma National Park is a nature lover’s paradise, located just a short distance from Hue. This park is home to diverse flora and fauna, including rare species such as the white-cheeked gibbon and the crested argus pheasant. Taking a cyclo tour to Bach Ma National Park is a great way to explore its beauty and learn about its conservation efforts.

Highlights of Bach Ma National Park:

Feature Description
Five Lakes Trail A scenic hiking trail that takes you past five beautiful waterfalls
Do Quyen Waterfall A stunning 300-meter waterfall with a panoramic view of the park
Hai Vong Dai (Sea Observation Tower) A tower that offers breathtaking views of the sea and surrounding mountains

Insider Tips and Practical Advice

  • Wear comfortable clothing and shoes for your cyclo tour, as you’ll be riding for a few hours.
  • Negotiate the price of your cyclo ride before getting on. A reasonable price for an hour-long ride is around 100,000 VND (approximately $4 USD).
  • Bring sunscreen and a hat, as it can get hot during the day.
  • Don’t be afraid to try new foods at the markets or during your cyclo tour. The street food in Hue is delicious and safe to eat.
  • Make sure to bring cash with you, as many places in Hue do not accept credit cards.


Taking a cyclo tour through Hue is a unique and immersive way to discover this charming city. From exploring its rich history to savoring its culinary treasures, there’s something for everyone on a cyclo tour. So make sure to add this experience to your itinerary and get ready to be enchanted by the sights and sounds of Hue.